What prisoners need to make the best use of time in prison
Over 1,250 prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families have contributed to a new report titled What do you need to make the best use of your time in prison?
Published by the Prisoner Policy Network, the report highlights prisoner experiences of life behind the wall and positive ways to move forward. It argues that prisons need to promote personal growth as an end in itself and not just a means to reduced reoffending.
It also shows that prisoners consider access to arts and culture a leading factor in making the best use of time served. The report recommends:
The arts and creativity have a key place in prison to support engagement, tackle isolation and build optimism. Prisons should show that they value that contribution in the way that resources of both time and money are allocated.”
Download the report here (PDF)
The Prisoner Policy Network is a network of prisoners, ex-prisoners and supporting organisations. It is hosted by the Prison Reform Trust and aims to make sure prisoners’ experiences are part of prison policy development nationally. Contact ppn@prisonreformtrust.org.uk for more information.
Image courtesy of Prisoner Policy Network. Credit: Erika Flowers