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Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) has released its new Expectations

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) has released its new Expectations

Following the National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance’s response to a consultation on the provision in men’s prisons, we are pleased to see our recommendations appear in the form of a new expectation that prisoners can access creative activities which promote learning, wellbeing and support rehabilitation. The HMIP’s expectations are the documents which set out the detailed criteria HMIP uses to appraise and inspect prisons and other custodial establishments. The new guidelines expect that prisoners are encouraged to engage in creative activities to promote more formal learning and boost employability; that they have access to creative opportunities to improve health and wellbeing; are encouraged to engage in creative activities to reflect upon their lives and social responsibilities; that art and cultural experiences are used to enhance the prison environment; and that creative activities are used to help prisoners maintain contact with their children and families and to promote resettlement into the community. 

You can read the new expectations here