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I’d Rather Go Blind

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A young girl with a birthday hat on eats cake. "I'd Rather Go Blind" titles the image.

I’d Rather Go Blind

1st – 5th October 2019
Omnibus Theatre, London
From £13

Futures Theatre presents I’d Rather Go Blind, a new play by Somalia Seaton shaped by the stories of women who all have lived experience of the criminal justice system. It presents a poignant insight into the fear around motherhood.

I see you strong, I see you spinning on your own axis – full of life – full of joy. I see you like me when I turned 18 – unfiltered – ready to conquer the world head held high – heart strong – I see you growing everyday.”

An Alternative Life

The play is the third commission from Futures Theatre’s creative engagement project An Alternative Life 2015 – 2017.

During 2017, the theatre worked in partnership with The Beth Centre in Lambeth, London, with women who all have lived experience of the criminal justice system. They commissioned playwright Somalia Seaton to write a play informed by their challenges and their dreams.

I’d Rather Go Blind is the result and is produced in celebration of these extraordinary women.

Find out more and book

Image courtesy of Futures Theatre, credit Desk Tidy Design