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Call out for submissions for a new book on how people with learning disabilities experience the Criminal Justice System

Call out for submissions for a new book on how people with learning disabilities experience the Criminal Justice System

Call out for submissions for a new book on how people with learning disabilities experience the Criminal Justice System

Following the book and national exhibition ‘Great Interactions’, which captured images and stories of people with learning disabilities and autism in educational and care settings, award-winning photographer Polly Braden and policy expert Rashmi Becker are producing a new book and national educational exhibition looking at how people with learning disabilities experience the Criminal Justice System.

The project aims to highlight the challenges and share best practice in order to inform future policy and practice. They would like to photograph and capture the stories of people and their experience; the photos could be representative – for example, the art someone has produced; their environment or something which illustrates their story – or of the person themselves – and could focus on their whole experience or a specific aspect they wish to share.

If you work with anyone with a learning disability or autism who could be included as a case study in this work, or have any questions, please contact Becky Sexton who is the project coordinator: beckysexton@multistory.org.uk, 0121 569 2886.