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Research Launch Summary


Research launch summary

‘Re-Imagining Futures’ is a recent National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance report that highlights the positive impact of creative opportunities for individuals in the Criminal Justice System. The report, written by academics from Northumbria University and Bath Spa University, paints a fascinating picture of the work that the arts are doing to support long sentence prisoners, women and those not engaged with mainstream learning.

The research launch took place at the Southbank Centre, London, on 7th November 2013, where the findings were presented by Charlotte Bilby of Northumbria University.

The research findings were followed by the annual Anne Peaker debate which consisted of a panel discussion chaired by Kim Evans OBE (Clean Break). Kim was joined by Professor Rodney Morgan (Emeritus Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Bristol), Gerard Lemos (Lemos & Crane), and writer Caspar Walsh.

The debate explored questions such as: where next for arts and criminal justice research? How can we engage both arts and criminology academics? Can the arts meaningfully stay within the reoffending discourse in the current political climate? And, how can we ensure learning from research is translated into policy and good practice? The research report also raised questions around the distinction and validity of both quantitative and qualitative data.

The event was captured on Storify

Click here to read the full report

Image courtesy of Prisoners’ Education Trust (c) Rebecca Radmore