Meet the team

Lorraine Maher
NCJAA Manager
Lorraine joined the National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance (NCJAA) in September 2022. As the network manager she is responsible for overseeing the work of the Alliance and, along with the team, provides support and a voice to promote access to arts and culture for people in the criminal justice system, as a springboard to positive change.
She has over 30 years experience of working in the Third sector as a facilitator trainer leader within creative and community development.
Lorraine has spent the best part of her career working within the Arts and social justice, having held senior positions for organisations such as Clean Break, Project 507 and The Roundhouse. She is the creator and driving force behind IamI a not for profit that connects, supports, advocates and highlights Irish people of Mixed Ethnicity / Multi Heritage and Global Majority.
Lorraine is passionate about trauma responsive work and is a avid supporter of equity and inclusion. When not trying to unite the world Lorraine can be found making apple pie with her grandchildren or dancing and singing (badly ) in the shopping isles of the local supermarket.
Header image courtesy of Prisoners’ Education Trust (c) Rebecca Radmore